How to Air Graft a Lychee Tree | air layering | air layering fruit trees | litchi plant |

How to Air Graft a Lychee Tree 1 Select a shoot on the parent lychee tree that is between one-half and three-quarter inches in diameter. Make two parallel cuts on the shoot, just through the bark, one-and-one-half inches apart. Slice between the two cuts, just through the bark, so you can peel the bark off between the parallel cuts. Gently peel the bark layer off the shoot between the parallel cuts to expose the white layer inside. #how_to_grow_lychee_from_cuttings #লিচুর_চারা_রোপন_পদ্ধতি 2 Moisten about three cups of sphagnum moss until it is damp, but not dripping. Set it aside to drain. Apply rooting hormone to the barkless portion of the shoot with a brush. Wrap the drained sphagnum moss around the barkless portion of the shoot, making sure to overlap the bark by at least one-half inch on each side of the wound. Wrap some light-duty string around the sphagnum moss to keep it in place. 3 Wrap the sphagnum moss with heavy-duty clear plastic wrap. Secure each end tightly to itself with electrical tape. Overlap the bark with tape so that the plastic wrap is secured to itself as well as the shoot. Watch for new roots to push through the sphagnum moss in eight to 10 weeks. air layering | how to get lychee tree to fruit | how to grow lychee from cuttings | air layered lychee tree | pruning lychee trees | lychee tree care | litchi plant | air layering pecan trees লেবু গাছে কলম করার পদ্ধতি | আমের কলম পদ্ধতি | আমের কলম করার নিয়ম | গুটি কলম পদ্ধতি | পেয়ারা গাছের কলম | চোখ কলম | জোড় কলম | শাখা কলম | দাবা কলম | লিচু গাছে কলম করার পদ্ধতি | লিচু গাছ | লিচু গাছে কলম | কলম পদ্ধতিম গুটি কলম | air layering lychee trees | litchi grafting | grafted lychee tree | lychee cuttings | growing lyche | air layering lychee trees | air layering lychee |

